
Showing posts from August, 2017

Counter-Strike Cheats For PC

Counter-Strike Cheats For PC Cheat Codes:- Press ~ (Tilt) to enter the console on the server machine and type sv_cheats 1 or sv_ 1. Then, change maps by typing changelevel dust (or any other map name ). Finally, enter one of the following codes at the console to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Some codes have been changed or removed with various patch updates for the game. Effect    Effect sv_bounce ???unknown impulse101 $16,000 pausable 1= enables pausing(not reccomended) mp_allowmonsters 1= single player enemies visible sv_cheats ...

Clan War Matchmaking Clash of Clans (Cannon Cart - Builder base) Balance

Clan War Matchmaking  As we have mentioned recently, there have been changes to the Clan War matchmaking algorithm that have been in development for the past few weeks. Those changes will be going live with this maintenance.  The implementation of these changes are intended to create a greater sense of fair matches based on your opponents’ equivalent difficulty.  We will be closely monitoring its performance to make sure match equality is improved without impacting search times severely. Cannon Cart (Builder Base) We are including the following balance changes to the Cannon Cart:  Movement speed increased by 33% First shot is fired after 0.4 seconds (speed increased from 1.2 seconds) Increase the range of Cannon Cart’s Last Stand ability by 1 tile